
Re: ‘Secret Motor Registry Closure Plan’ – shame on you Echo for promoting this blatant scaremongering by the Federal Member for Richmond, Justine Elliot and Walt Secord MLC. It is barely a month since I sent you details of an upgrade announced for the Tweed Heads South motor registry office (supplied). This very busy office is to become a Service NSW centre with extended opening hours and all the usual licensing, registration and testing services as well as Births Deaths & Marriages services, National Parks permits and a range of business licenses and information. This will improve services for the people of the Tweed and make it more convenient to conduct business with the NSW Government. Unfortunately the Echo appears to prefer scaremongering and misinformation to the promotion of improvements in services for my constituents.

Geoff Provest MP
State Member for Tweed
Office of Geoff Provest MP
NSW Member for Tweed
Parliamentary Secretary for Police & Emergency Services

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