We are not pitchfork and lantern people

Tony Windsor has distinguished himself as the voice of reason standing against the town mob. They have their pitchforks and lanterns. He has dispassionate reality.
Nick Greiner was convicted of a crime and won on appeal. Tony Windsor leaves Craig Thomson to the Courts and he is right.
His views on carbon tax are informed by Professor Ian Chubb former Chancellor of ANU and Australian chief scientist. Again he is right. His economic views on carbon tax are informed by Professor Ross Garnaut, the leader in the field . Again he is right. He is himself an economist.
The reactionaries under Abbott have nothing. Their so-called experts are discredited lobbyists for the coal industry. Their policy is to use taxpayers’ money to bribe the coal industry into changing its production methods to emit less carbon. Good for the coal industry, bad for the taxpayer.
The Armidale majority has stood against Tony Windsor for too long. It is time they realised they are wrong. We are not pitchfork and lantern people. We are a beautiful little university town and should support the voice of reason.

John Bergin,

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