Markets give back

For the past two years, organisers of the Uralla Unique Markets have been saving their pennies so they can give back to the local community.
After a lot of hard work and dedication to running the markets, orgainsers have happily given three cheques, each to the value of $350 to The Friends of McMaugh’s, The Uralla Central P&C and The Uralla Community Garden.
Uralla Shire Council has also supported the markets, providing Pioneer Park, on Bridge Street, free of charge. The park is turned into a festive area once a month during the markets with The Uralla Choir – “Highly Strung” performing.
Organiser Deni McKenzie is keen to give back to the community that has helped the markets thrive.
“The quality of our stallholders’ produce is second to none, and we have produce to cater for all needs – fresh vegetables are the most popular products and they come both locally and from Inverell,” said Deni.
“Soaps, goat products, cheeses, sculptures, paintings, jewellery and flowers are amongst the fabulous local products available each month.
“Local charities are allowed a free space in the park, and we’ve welcomed Northern Tableland Wildlife Carers and Say No To Coal Seam Gas, amongst other charities.”
The Uralla Unique Markets are growing rapidly and one reason for this is the date the market is held.
“We hold the Uralla Unique Markets the day before the Armidale markets. This helps stallholders who travel from other areas so they can come to Uralla and Armidale in the same weekend.
“The next market will be June 23, and we hope to have a big turnout.
“I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the council and their workers for all they have done to make this market such a success.
“It could only happen in Uralla!”
Story: James Brazel

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