
I can’t express how terrible I feel about the bushfire in Cudgen Nature Reserve and the loss of life resulting from it. After years of campaigning to protect our few remaining Tweed Coast koalas, this tragedy occurs. Just when the Australian Government has finally listed koalas as being vulnerable, this huge inferno, fanned by strong southerly winds, breaks out next to Kings Forest, the location of Leda’s mini city. It’s bad enough if this fire happened naturally, but if it was deliberately lit by parties, so far unknown, it is unconscionable.
The timing of this fire does give pause for thought as there seem to be a number of coincidences involved. Firstly, we just had the results from the Tweed Shire Council election and, for the first time in at least ten years, it seemed that that councillors might be guided by integrity – not a good result for those that would use unethical means to achieve their development ends. At last it seemed that council votes would not go against the natural environment. Then this terrible fire occurs. Local people tried to put it out in its early stages, but the gates were locked, with new locks fitted. This begs the question, why had new locks been fitted at that particular time? The fire occurred on the day we were experiencing strong southerly winds. Was it just bad luck it happened at that time?
If this fire was caused deliberately, who would have gained from it? Certainly not our beleaguered koalas, if any have survived.
I would hate to think this fire had been started by somebody with a particular agenda, or by some mind-less moron who gets their kicks from lighting fires. I sincerely hope that a thorough investigation into the cause of this tragedy takes place, with no fear or favour.

Chris Degenhardt
Tweed shire resident

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