On notice

Laws are made to protect us all and to take control, give us a set of rules to live by. These laws have to be followed by us all or we face the wrath of the lawmakers and enforcers.
In saying this, I am about to use a number of their/ these laws to put people on notice of their actions and advise them that their actions could cause injury, death or economic loss as well as pollution of land areas and underground water. All persons, shareholders, employees, agents and servants of all companies involved in the exploration or all companies or persons that supply companies involved in the exploration of coal seam gas are now being put on notice that their actions could cause injury, death or economic loss as well as pollution of land areas and underground water supplies
You are to cease and desist from any further exploration/drilling or supplying equipment that is used  for coal seem gas exploration, as your action could lead to injury, death or economic loss and the pollution of land areas and underground water supplies. You are now being put on notice and, if you continue to explore  for coal seam gas, you may be in breach of section 289 of the Queensland Criminal code. (Persons in charge of a dangerous thing) you also may be liable under tort law and the civil liabilities act. You are to inform all of your shareholders, managers, employees, agents and servants of this notice.
You have a duty of care and it is part of your chain of responsibility to stop any actions that may cause injury, death or economic loss or damage to land areas or underground water supplies or the environment in any way or to any extent.
You have been warned that action can and will be taken against you as individuals and, as companies and shareholders of these companies, if you do not desist from any actions that could cause injury, death, economic loss or pollution to land areas or underground water supplies or the environment in any way.

Peter  Schuback
Sunshine Acres

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