A Midsummer Night’s Dream

I desire greatly to reaffirm the esteem I have for the educators and students of Armidale, having always been well treated by them. Of late, an improbable trick has befortuned them, and caroused their souls. Fret not, for this merriment hath taken nothing from them other but to encourage the will to roister ‘mongst the masses. These last few days, in the e’ens, these good folk hath had a pleasant performance of Will Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream played out afore their eyes on the High School boards.
‘Tis strangely untimely, it being midwinter, yet thou and I know this hemisphere is verily alive in its enhancements of the old world. No warmth, no breath shall testify to a better performance in these tablelands. No signs, no patience will meet the standards therein, not even if thou and I outsleep our brothers and sisters through the walls of eternity’s chamber in desire for like happiness, fortune and merriment making.

Name withheld

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