Good sports

Salt Surf Lifesaving members Julianne Donnelly, Craig Donnelly, Wayne Greenup, Karen Geoghegan and Annie Lingwood with president Mark Humphries (centre). The club is preparing for its major fundraiser – the annual sports lunch at the Saltbar on October 19.

Volunteers give up their time to keep our beaches safe and, on October 19, the community gets a chance to say thanks and give the volunteers at Salt Surf Life Saving Club a helping hand – while having a bit of fun.
The Salt Surf Life Saving Club Sportsman’s lunch, now in its eighth year, is the group’s major fundraiser, which helps keep them on the beaches and supplied with all the extra equipment they may need.
It is run by the Saltbar, one of the group’s major sponsors. This year’s event is shaping up to be one of its biggest; and just as well, as club president Mark Humphries is promising a big announcement.
Mark said the day will feature one of the most popular jockeys of any era and superstar of the racing world, Malcolm ‘Miracle’ Johnston, along with legendary test cricketer and media personality Rodney Hogg, for a day of entertainment, fun and priceless stories.
“Our committee works hand in hand with the Saltbar to make this one of the most in-demand sports lunches on the Coast,” Mark Humphries said.
“We are generously sponsored by the Saltbar who proudly display our club honour boards in their establishment .”
Mark said the day would also feature a “substantial announcement with regard to the building of the new Salt SLSC Clubhouse”.
Tickets are still available by contacting Mark Humph-ries 0411 989 772.
“The club is still seeking donations in the form of prizes or services that can be raffled or auctioned,” he said .
“All donations will be gratefully received.”
DATE: Friday, October 19, 2012
TIME: 12pm for 12.30pm start  (11am for an 11.30am start QLD time)
WHERE: Saltbar Beachbar & Bistro.

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