9/11 lies

Writer David Penberthy (Sunday Mail 23/9) is not happy that people questions the official version of 9/11; I do not have the answers to the following questions, so respectfully ask Mr Penberthy to provide credible and factual answers to these questions in his next article.
Why did tower 7 collapse in free-fall, it was NOT hit by any plane?
Why did firemen say they heard explosions going off in the building?
Aviation fuel CANNOT melt steel, so why was there molten metal in the basement for several days?
Why did dust collected from a wide area around the WTC clearly show active residuals of super-thermite—a military explosive: when viewed under an FEI XL30-SFEG scanning electron microscope equipped with an EDAX X-ray energy dispersive spectrometry? As published in “The Open Chemical Physics Journal, 2009, Volume2 9”, I urge readers to look this up and ask serious questions.
Some research for you Mr Penberthy, many people would like to know substantiated factual answers.

G J May

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