Attention seeker

Radio presenter, Alan Jones, likes to get attention by making controversial statements on air. His recent comments regarding the PM’s father dying of shame may have gone a tad too far. If Jones has any evidence that John Gillard was so ashamed of his daughter’s performance as PM, then Jones should have tabled the evidence.
Perhaps Jones threw out the ‘shameful’ line just to get media attention. If that was his intention, it has succeeded admirably.
Now, the knives are out to have Alan Jones sacked from his radio job. This is not surprising, as he has been a thorn in the side of Comrade Gillard’s government for years.
Whether or not we like what Jones said, I believe that, under the freedoms of free speech, he had the right to say what he did. To suggest that in some way Tony Abbott is responsible for Jones’ comments is equally obnoxious. Was Tony supposed to have vetted Jones’ speech?
If we were to shut down everyone that might make “unacceptable” comments, no one would be able to say anything except that which was permitted by law. How many would want that kind of Australia?

Jay Nauss
Glen Aplin

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