capacity as a candidate for the forthcoming Armidale Dumaresq Council election.
One of the issues facing our community is the diminishing vitality of the Armidale CBD, especially in the central mall area. We wish to draw your attention to and seek your support for a project that will go a long way to reversing this trend.
You are no doubt aware of the plans for a new library that were approved by Council several years ago, but which were stalled by a lack of funding. You may also be aware of a group known as Armidale Regional Performing Arts Centre that was formed more recently, with the aim of building a centrally-located, community-owned performance theatre in Armidale. It soon became apparent that, once the new library was completed, the site of the current library would be an ideal location for a theatre. As a result, the performing arts group and the library, together with members of Council and community representatives, have joined forces to form the Armidale Dumaresq Civic Precinct Committee.
The project proposed by the committee is the redevelopment of the whole Town Hall — Cinders Lane area to include a new library, a performing arts centre, and a refurbished Town Hall, thereby providing an attractive and vibrant focal point in the central town area.
The Armidale Dumaresq War Memorial Library is one of the most heavily patronised per head of population in New South Wales, and it has seriously outgrown the capacity of the building in which it is located.
In the performing arts area, Armidale is justly recognised for its strong achievements, yet it is one of the few provincial centres in the country without a dedicated community theatre.
We invite you to make your views on this project known to the public during the coming election campaign and we seek your support in the event that your candidature is successful.
For more information, please contact the undersigned on 6772 6066 or 6772 9604, or visit our web site at
Judith Ross-Smith OAM,
Maurice Anker,
Armidale Dumaresq Civic Precinct Committee