Power of the Olympics

Lorraine Sewell with her Sydney 2000 Olympic torch pictured with Drummond School captains Matur Maturmaluach and Annabelle Froome.

After 12 years CWA Dangarsleigh/Kellys Plains member Lorraine Sewell relived one of the proudest moments in her life when she spoke to students from Drummond School about her experience as a Torch Bearer in the Sydney 2000 Olympics Torch Relay. Lorraine was the first runner in the leg of the torch relay through Bundarra.
Lorraine wore her official torch bearer’s uniform and her Olympic torch was a hit with the students. However the torch had stiff competition with Lorraine’s stand in for the torch during the weeks beforehand where she had to practice holding at least 2kgs in one hand; which was a piece of timber that surprisingly resembled a torch.
Students at Drummond had been following the London Olympics and were keen to hear Lorraine’s story.
“Being a torch bearer was a real highlight for me,” said Lorraine.
“I don’t know who nominated me; it was a real surprise when I got the letter. But then I had to keep it a secret until Australia Day which was really hard as I was so excited to run with the torch.”
Lorraine talked to the students about what the experience was like and how proud she was with many of the students she spoke to who were not even born when the Sydney Olympics were on in 2000.

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