Dinner with the Cuban advisor

Chala (front right) at graduation of first intake, Wilcannia, May 2012

Socialist Alliance New England (SANE) is holding a dinner with José Manuel Chala Leblanch (‘Chala’), a Cuban advisor for the Aboriginal Adult Literacy pilot project at Wilcannia, at 7pm on Wednesday, September 5, at TurnTables Restaurant at the Armidale Club.
Chala was born in Havana in 1959, a few months after the ‘triumph of the revolution’, and completed a five year degree, graduating with a Bachelor of Education (majoring in Russian) in 1981. He taught Russian language from 1981 to 1992.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union he re-trained to teach English at the Pablo Lafargue Foreign Languages Higher Pedagogical Institute from 1992-1995.
Chala currently lectures to pre-service teachers at the University of Pedagogical Sciences ‘Enrique José Varona’, Cuba’s largest teacher training university.
Chala is in Australia as the Cuban technical advisor for the Aboriginal Adult Literacy pilot project at Wilcannia.
“We are privileged that Chala will join us for dinner during his stay at the University of New England with  Bob Boughton who oversees the project at Wilcannia,” said SANE Co-Convener, Bea Bleile.
“All interested members of the community are invited to come along to hear Chala’s views on the situation and developments in Cuba and to ask questions.
“The Cuban campaign for literacy in 1961 was one of the many measures to bring justice to the people. That programme improved Cuba’s literacy to almost 100% within a year. Cuba has assisted millions of people in other countries to gain not only literacy but medical and other training since then.
“It is amazing what can be achieved when the well-being of people and the environment is given priority, based on the principles of solidarity and cooperation. We are looking forward to hearing from Chala.”
For more information call Bea Bleile on 0458 752 680.

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