Every man and his dog pitch in

Bogangar Public school will start the new school year next week with a brand new level and turfed school oval, thanks to a group of willing volunteers.

It was a case of every man (woman and child) and their dog pitching in to help, with staff, parents and students all spending a Saturday morning laying the turf for the new school oval.

And proving that many hands really do make light work, it took the group of 30-plus willing volunteers just an hour or two to put down the 300 square metres of turf. The project, which included levelling the ground and preparing it for the turf, was the P&C’s major project for 2012 and was completed over several days with the help of Coastal Turf, Tony the Turf Man and Chicka’s Excavation.

Principal Cath Lalor, who rolled up her sleeves and unrolled turf with the best of them, welcomed the new oval.

“It will make a huge differ-ence for the kids,” she said, adding it had been a year in the planning and had come about with a little help from their friends, with Cath consulting with Kingscliff Public’s principal, Kiernan Hoolihan. Kingscliff undertook a similar project several years ago and Cath said she was eager to get advice on the best way to approach it.

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