New computer program for seniors

Tweed seniors could soon be showing up their grandkids when it comes to Facebook and other computer applications if they join a new program the NSW Government is about to launch, according to Tweed Nationals MP Geoff Provest.

“The State Government has partnered with Telstra to expand the Tech Savvy Seniors training program across New South Wales in the coming months,” Mr Provest said.

“The program includes free or low cost teaching as well as learn-at-home products like instructional videos.”

“Things like internet banking, social media, smart phones and iPads have until now been out of reach of many Tweed seniors because they don’t have the basics to get started.”

“Yet staying in touch with family members and being able to shop without leaving the home are particularly beneficial to older residents who may have mobility challenges.”

Mr Provest said the training aids would soon be available in Tweed libraries and technology teaching courses would be a key part of Seniors’ Week in March.

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