Gala theatre night at NERAM gallery

For one night only, on Saturday October 6, 2012 at 7pm, Armidale’s popular Felt Tip Theatre Company is turning the New England Regional Art Museum’s Mazda gallery into a stage.
Felt Tip’s talented duo, Chris Curcuruto and Alex Robson, will be performing a series of original skits inspired by the artworks from NERAM’s Howard Hinton Collection they chose for the Backdrop exhibition currently hanging in the gallery.
“We always look for interesting ways to collaborate with creative members of the local community and are thrilled that Felt Tip so enthusiastically ran with the idea of not only selecting their favourite works in the Hinton Collection but also developing an original public performance piece,” said NERAM Director Caroline Downer.
This is an event not to be missed. Champagne and canapés are also included in the evening’s entertainment. Everyone is welcome.
Tickets: $15 per head (includes champagne and canapés); $10 (under 18); purchase tickets at the door on the night or call (02) 6772 5255.

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