Ruby’s effort a win for the community

Ruby Straker (centre) was presented with her prizes for the inaugural Storybook Challenge by Carpet Court representatives Andrew Lennon and Peta Pierce, while Matthew Wark, Albie Woodhouse and Angus Alford look on.

A Year 2 student at The Armidale School has taken out the inaugural Alpha Furnishers Carpet Court Storybook Challenge and won, for herself and her school, prizes worth more than $1250.
Ruby Straker’s colourful entry was a tribute to the way members of a local community work together, from garbage collectors to doctors and nurses, and from police to bus drivers.
“The thing I like most of all is everyone is working together,” she concluded.
The Carpet Court Storybook Challenge is a new competition developed to encourage more shared reading in classrooms across Australia and provide schools with essential educational tools — namely colourful children’s books. At Assembly last week, Alpha Furnishers Carpet Court representatives Andrew Lennon and Peta Pierce presented Ruby with her prizes — $1000 in books and colourful reading mats for the school, and an individual $250 book prize.
“Staff decided to become involved in the competition, as it was a good opportunity for our children and also fits in very nicely with our strong focus on literacy skills,” Head of Junior School Ian Lloyd said.
“The mats were app-reciated by the girls
and boys in Year 2, but
Ruby suggested they go into the library instead,
to be shared with the whole school.”

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