Uralla local to hand deliver Christmas boxes to Vietnam

Uralla local, Frances Welbourn, will set off to Vietnam this January to assist with the distribution of Operation Christmas Child Boxes collected on behalf of the charity Samaritan’s Purse.

For the past two years Mrs Welbourn has coordinated the packing of shoe boxes filled lovingly with gifts donated by members of Armidale’s Women’s Wellness and Fitness Centre, Healthy Inspirations.

“Last year we filled and packed 27 Christmas boxes and this year we were determined to pack at least seven more,” said Mrs Welbourn.

“I was blown away by the overwhelmingly generous donations of our Armidale members and we were able to fill 57 boxes. This is 57 disadvantaged children’s lives we will make a direct difference to.”

Shoe boxes are filled with a variety of simple gifts that will bring delight to any child. Items donated include soft toys, things for school such as pencils and chalk, clothing including beanies and shorts, something for a child to play with, and items for personal hygiene like toothbrushes and hair clips.

Taking her commitment to this cause one step further, Mrs Welbourn will be volunteering her time to personally deliver Operation Christmas Child Boxes to children in Vietnam this January. Mrs Welbourn is determined to share a message of hope, joy and love with children in desperate situations that may never before have experienced Christmas.

Donations for next year’s boxes can be made by delivering items to Healthy Inspirations, please call Frances Welbourn on 6771 5001 for further information. 

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