Big birthday for humble man

RSL Care resident and WWII veteran John Evans Read.


RSL Care retirement living resident and World War II Veteran John Evans Read entered the world when band-aids, penicillin, milk cartons and ballpoint pens were yet to be invented. The Titanic was only starting to be built. The year was 1909.
On Sunday May 19, the humble man who ‘does not like a fuss to be made about him’ celebrated his 104th birthday, in the company of fellow independent living residents and family.
RSL Care Darlington Retirement Living Co-ordinator Amanda Wheeler said John moved into the Banora Point Retirement Community at the age of 98.
“John moved into Darlington’s Retirement Community at an age when most people are moving into or living in residential care,” Amanda said.
“He completely skewed the average age of our retirees, which is around the mid-seventies.
“It’s been four years since he received his letter of congratulations from the Queen!”
At John’s request his birthday celebrations were low-key, shared at Darlington with his two daughters who live in Sydney and Brisbane. A family tradition of Black Forest cake, and John’s favourite drink, Scotch whisky, marked the occasion.
So what’s the secret to a long life?
“Having 103 birthdays,” John quips.
“While he has a cheeky sense of humour, he is a very humble man with, as you can imagine, many interesting stories to share,” Amanda said.
“Recently, John shared personal accounts of World War II with history students from Lindisfarne Grammar School when they visited Darlington’s popular Avenue of Honour – a stunning collection of personal war memorabilia contributed to by our residential heroes and heroines. He enjoyed sharing his experiences of war, doing his part to ensure the sacrifice of the brave men and women who fought for our freedom is always remembered.
“For the students, it was a unique opportunity to hear first-hand accounts of war, and an experience I am sure they will always treasure.
“Simply put, John is a very modest man with few wants and needs. You can’t help but feel humble when sharing his company.
“John is a very important part of the RSL Care Darlington community. Everyone knows him, everyone pops in on him and whether he likes it or not, there will some fuss.
“If only we could find balloons wishing “Happy 104th Birthday!”
Born in Sydney on 19 May, 1909, John was an only child. He was happily married for 64 years to his beautiful wife, Muriel, who has since passed.
He served in the Royal Australian Navy between 1941 and 1946 as a Lieutenant Commander. He worked as a loss assessor for an insurance company which he felt was a good fit for him because he was inquisitive. He is very good with his hands and has a great love of cabinetry and building things.

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