Lions help blind rider

Blind rider Jennifer and her support rider Emma.


BLIND rider Jennifer Nichols made a stop-off on the Tweed Coast this week as part of her ride around Australia.
Jennifer from Glenorchy in Tasmania is hoping to raise $300,000 for the Lions Eye Health Program by the time she ends her trip in October.
Lions Zone Chairman Peter Oliver said Jennifer, together with her support rider Emma, started their trip on 14 April.
“Jen and her support crew stopped in Tweed Heads last Tuesday evening and were met and hosted to dinner by members of the Kingscliff Lions Club who also presented a cheque for $300 towards the fund-raising effort and paid for overnight accommodation for the team,” Mr Olive said.
“It was a pleasure to meet and assist Jennifer in her courageous effort to raise funds for such an important cause.”
He wished her well for the continuing journey.

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