Armidale to help design Industry Innovation Precincts

Consultation with local industry on the operation of the new Industry Innovation Precincts, a key initiative of the Australian Government’s $1 billion Plan for Australian Jobs, will be held at Armidale and Tamworth on Friday, March 15.

National Precinct Board chair, Mr John Grill, said the Plan puts industry in the driving seat as the best source of advice on how to drive innovation to create growth and jobs for Australians.

“The Innovation Industry Precincts will create growth opportunities for Australian firms in areas of competitive advantage and emerging opportunity,” Mr Grill said.

“They will foster the development of industry-led networks and collaborations to create growth and enhance the competitiveness of Australian business.

The Government will establish up to 10 Precincts. The first two will be in the Manufacturing and Food sectors.

The remaining Precincts will be selected during this year through a competitive selection process.”

The consultation sessions, held by the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) are on in Armidale at room MG.04 at the TAFE NSW New England Institute starting at 9am on Friday, March 15.

The consultations are being held to listen to feedback and engage industry and researchers in the design of the Precincts.

The Government released the Industry Innovation Precincts Consultation Framework Paper and called for submissions from stakeholders.

“The Department has received valuable insight from the initial consultations held this week,” Mr Grill said.

“The National Precinct Board wants to get feedback from industry leaders to assist with the design elements of the Industry Innovation Precinct initiative.”

The consultations are being held in capital cities and regional centres during March.

Written submissions on the consultation paper and draft guidelines close on March 22, 2013.

For more information on the details of the consultation session and to comment on Industry Innovation Precincts:

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