Proud and personal

THE Armidale community gathered in their thousands last Thursday to reflect on the sacrifice our past and present Diggers have made during the 98th commemoration of Anzac Day.
They turned out in the early glow of morning for the Dawn Service in Central Park followed later in the morning with a march through Armidale and onto the memorial fountain in Central Park for the 11am memorial service.
As our older Diggers become fewer and fewer in number they were joined by thousands of relatives and youngsters who marched proudly adorned with the medals and photos of their fathers, mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers.
Special guest at this year’s Anzac Day commemorations was Royal Australian Navy Special Commodore Adam Grunsell who spoke of the courage and quality of the human endeavour.
“It has been wonderful to come to Armidale today to be a part of the Anzac spirit that we have seen here today, it epitomises everything of what Anzac is,” Adam Grunsell said.
“I have done a lot of Anzac Day services in big cities but I must say that in Armidale it has a very personal feel and a community touch that I have really enjoyed.”
WW2 veteran Thelma McCarthy who served as a wireless telegraphist found this year’s commemorations particularly sad after losing her friend and fellow veteran Peg Tully who served as a nurse during WW2.
“We had quite a strong contingent of ex-servicewomen for many years marching and we are now down to about 11 of us left and just this year we lost one of our most precious ladies, Peg Tully, so this year was particularly tough,” Thelma said.
Although Thelma is losing some of her friends and fellow veterans she took comfort in seeing the many children who marched with medals and photos of their loved ones who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
“It has been just marvelous to see all the school children here today,” said Thelma.
“I am very proud and very pleased to see the spirit of the people of Armidale come together especially with so very few of the actual veterans left, but I can see that this is going to carry on for many years.”

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