Mother’s Day Fete a great success

Caption: A huge array of craft items were available for sale at the fete.

THE Armidale City Public School Mother’s Day Fete has been labelled a great success – raising substantial funds for the Armidale City Public School and providing a day of fun, entertainment and delicious food for many in the school and broader Armidale community.
The annual fete, which was held on Saturday 11 May, has been running for over 30 years. It is the P&C’s biggest fund-raiser of the year – raising funds that go back into the school.
“The success of this fete is directly related to the support of the Armidale community,” said Leanne Cooper, who jointly co-ordinated the hard-working Fete Committee with Katrina Llewellyn.
“The incredible generosity of local businesses, the school and broader community is invaluable. It enables the Armidale City Public School P&C to achieve its goal of supporting the school and contributing to an environment that fosters learning and also a sense of belonging in our children.”
While the fund-raising goals are important, there were also good times to be had.
“The school’s students always look forward to the fun of the fete,” Ms Cooper said.
“For many children the day begins with a rush to visit the stalls that might sell out. I know of families that make a special early morning visit to the fete, just so children can ensure they don’t miss out on a surprise from the bottle stall or a lucky dip.
“Then they might head off to sporting commitments before coming back for a more leisurely fete experience – including coffee and cake at the garden café and time to enjoy some of the fantastic entertainment.”
This year’s fete boasted a large number of stalls including plants, fruit and vegetables, books, cakes and the very well-supported white elephant stall. There was face painting and a variety of games, tractor rides, jumping castle and for the first time a photo booth which proved to be very popular.
“Many visitors took the opportunity to find something special for their mum at the Mother’s Day stall,” Ms Cooper said.
“The pet show was also a great hit. Children brought all sorts of creatures along to parade in the show – including some cuddly stuffed toy pets!”
The Armidale City Public School P&C offers their sincere appreciation to the many businesses and community members who supported the 2013 Mother’s Day Fete.

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