Netballers rally for playground

Caption – Back, Juliet Kaberry, Olivia Joyce, coaching co-ordinator Rochelle Joyce, president Kathy McMahon, Darren Schaefer (NEM) Amanda Swain. Middle, Annabel Kaberry, Bronte Swain and Zoe Walters with, front, Ethan Walters, Ben Kaberry.

THE call has gone out to members of the Armidale District Netball Association (ADNA), their families and friends to vote online before the end of June to raise $10,000 towards the South Hill playspace planned for its Lynches Road site.
The ADNA is one of four local groups invited to take advantage of an introductory offer from New England Mutual as part of the launch of its website in March.
So far an upgrade of the BackTrack learning space/studio by The Rotary Club of Armidale has earned its $10,000 by securing 238 votes on the new website. The netball project has received 84 votes and needs at least 200 before the June deadline.
Coaching co-ordinator Rochelle Joyce said she and other members of the ABNA are rallying members to vote.
“It’s a great offer from New England Mutual and we want to take advantage of it,” she said. “We are very keen to build the playground and have the plans drawn up. Many of our members have small children and a secure playspace will make it easier for them to play in the competitions.”
The association is on a drive to raise $153,000 for the new playground and further lighting at its Lynches Road courts.
New England Mutual’s executive manager for marketing Darren Schaefer said the website was developed to support local initiatives.
“We found some great initiatives in our towns with volunteers desperately trying to push ahead but reaching a point where they either found it difficult to keep up the momentum, failed to access funding or lacked the resources and expertise to raise the profile of the project,” Mr Schaefer said.
“The website provides a portal for community generated support and a forum for ideas seeking like-minded individuals to collaborate.
“Supporters can also like ideas via facebook or support them with a vote. The site has the potential to help communities, raise money, generate awareness and acquire community support for their projects. They can even start a petition.”
The recently completed Guyra Fitness Trail has been another project to receive funding through the website.
Other local ideas on the website include a proposed Armidale-Guyra Railway Track Cycle Trail, an upgrade of recreational activities at Dumaresq Dam, Restaurant Railway Carriages at the viaduct and a world class cool climate public garden near Moran Oval.

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