Club awards elite prize

Club president Michael Batt, secretary Carol Barnden, and past district governor Ron Hall.
Club president Michael Batt, secretary Carol Barnden, and past district governor Ron Hall.


HINTS of special surprises kept dinner guests guessing at the annual changeover meeting of the Rotary Club of Uralla.
Those invited especially to the meeting were kept in the dark, as were other guests, and club members about what was in store for them.
There was an absolute hush when club president, Michael Batt, with the aid of past district governor, Ken Hall from Tamworth, invited local mail contractor Carl McMillan to join them at the dais.
Then the secret was out as Carl was conferred as a Paul Harris Fellow, the highest Rotary International award that may be awarded.
Carl is well-known in Uralla for going the extra mile and doing many things beyond the call of duty. During the Christmas-New Year, with his wife Gloria’s help, their home has become an after-dark showcase with thousands of lights to add a touch of brightness to the festive mood.
A very surprised Carol Barnden also couldn’t believe her ears as President Michael Batt awarded her with the third Paul Harris Fellow of the evening.
“Not only does Carol give enthusiastically and generously of her time to Rotary, but also to the community as well,” Mr Batt said.
“For the first time in the 57-year history of the club, presentation of PHF awards had been conferred on community members.”

Gloria and Carl McMillan, President Michael Batt, with past district governor Ron Hall. Pictures: BARRY BLAIR
Gloria and Carl McMillan, President Michael Batt, with past district governor Ron Hall. Pictures: BARRY BLAIR

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