Council permits online

ARMIDALE Dumaresq Council ‘goes live’ with an online system which will cut planning approval times and provide 24-7 service for developers and home builders.
Armidale Dumaresq Council and Department of Planning and Infrastructure representatives at a recent information session demonstrated how the system works and highlighted some of the key benefits to the development industry and residents.
Manager Development Control Unit, Karl Bock, says the Electronic Housing Code (EHC) takes away the need to visit council’s office for advice as planning rules can be accessed online.
“Applications can now be submitted electronically with easy access to user-friendly information on the housing code,” Mr Bock said.
The code is an online system for processing Complying Development Certificates (CDCs). The code is designed for project home builders, certifiers, planners, builders, and developers.
“The aim of the EHC is to speed up planning decisions and reduce holding costs, helping to lower the cost of building homes,” Mr Bock said.
“The system lets people investigate development options available on an individual lot and prepare a CDC online with guidance about documentation needed.”
“CDCs can then be monitored online as the EHC provides a platform for assessing and determining applications.”
The system also allows users to determine if minor work that has little environmental impact can be done without approval, as exempt development. The user can generate and print an exempt development report for future reference (explaining what things can be done in future on the land without the need for planning approval).
The EHC is accessed from the link on council’s home page,

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