Councils table new mining plan


THE Association of Mining Related Councils (AMRC) is the peak representative body for mining-affected councils in NSW.
It will hold its next quarterly meeting on Friday, 12 July, in the Hamilton Room, Level 47 of the MLC Centre, 19 Martin Place, Sydney, from 9.30am to 4.30pm.
A new strategic plan for the Association will be tabled. Local government delegates will then hear political and Government departmental presentations.
The AMRC currently comprises 22 councils in NSW, from Wollongong to the Hunter, the Central West, west to Cobar and Broken Hill and North West to Narrabri. Together, they represent 19 per cent of the land in NSW and 11.4 per cent of the population.
They contribute significantly to the State’s economy and the Government’s revenue, through mining royalties.
The AMRC says it is working constructively to achieve better outcomes for mining affected local government areas throughout NSW.
CEO of the Hunter Group of Councils, Roger Stephan facilitated the AMRC’s strategic planning workshop in May at Scone and will table the resulting plan for discussion.
Other presenters include the Hon. Steven Whan MLC, Shadow Minister for Resources and Primary Industry and the Hon. Mick Veitch MLC, Shadow Minister for Trade and Investment, who will outline the NSW opposition’s position on current regional issues.
This will be the second time the pair have addressed the AMRC and discussed issues with its members.
Another speaker will be NSW Liberal, Scot MacDonald MLC who has been a member of the Upper House coal seam gas inquiry and the recent Upper House inquiry into the NSW land valuation system.
Director of Strategic Regional Policy within the Department of Planning and Infrastructure, Daniel Keary, will also provide an update on matters relating to the proposed regional land use plans and likely amendments to State mining policies.

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