Tale of fortitude, hope, healing

106109_01Caption: Endless Shadows by Ian Huggerty.

AN Armidale woman’s book detailing the eight frustrating months she spent at her husband’s bedside in hospital and their eventual decision to go it alone with his rehabilitation will be launched at the Chaucer Gallery in Uralla on Saturday 3 August.

The author, Christine Perrott, will also be at Dymocks bookstore in the Armidale Mall on Saturday 27 July from 10.45am-12.30 pm to sign copies of the book, Patient Fortitude.
Its subtitle “a story of love, courage and support amidst incomprehensible and sometimes insensitive institutional behaviour” sums up the content.
To support her seriously ill husband Roy during his time in hospital Mrs Perrott fought an unending battle against the inflexibilities of the health system.
During this time she kept a diary “to remain sane” and was later persuaded by friends to turn it into a book to help other people either experiencing or facing similar difficulties.
“I’ve had terrific feedback from people who have read it,” she said. “The response has been that it is a good yarn and easy to read but also opens up a subject that needs to be more widely discussed and considered.
“Wondering all the time whether the husband you love would survive and wanting to do everything possible to help him meant I often ran up against a brick wall. Somehow the system locks carers out instead of involving them in the healing process.”
The crux came when Roy, a retired grazier, was well enough to leave hospital and the pair were advised that he would never walk again and should be put in a nursing home.
Mrs Perrott refused to countenance the advice, took her husband home and together over 10 more challenging months of rehabilitation Roy managed to walk.
“In the book I detail all of this, the ups and downs, the laughter and tears,” she says. “It is an honest account of what happened and how we both felt about it at the time. Our love for each other kept us going in circumstances I’d never wish on anyone.”
Reviewers have variously described the book as “inspirational” Prof Hon Peter Baume, AC; “a brave account” Wendy O’Hanlon, Acres Australia; “a remarkable story” John Morrow’s Pick of the Week; and “a compellingly good read” Fiona McDonald author and member of N.E. Writers’ Centre.
Tony Bennett, well known poet, publisher and member of The New England Writers Centre will launch the book at the Chaucer Gallery, Bridge St Uralla at 4.30pm on Saturday 3 August.
Although the book appeals to the general reader it also offers valuable insights for health professionals, and carers.
At a cost of $25, it is available through bookstores and from the author, ph. (02) 6771 4828; or rahandc@bigpond.com.

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