I read with amazement the letter from Alan Martin, repeating an address from an anti-carbon tax rally in Perth.
A quick check of the “facts” presented in this address would see that all these arguments have been comprehensively debunked – see for example realclimate.org for a long list of the denialist arguments and the real facts.
There are now more than 40 books published on how the climate denialist campaign has been funded and orchestrated, and how the philosophy originated from a reaction to the so-called “nanny state”.
Repeating a load of cobblers does not make it true. While I encourage your paper to print people’s views, this view is very irresponsible. I can’t see this or any other paper publishing a view that smoking is not harmful, for example.
Ten years ago I was working with a Queensland government climate science unit, and was told that droughts would get hotter and drier, cyclones would get more intense and rain events would be more severe. All this is happening, and we know we are responsible for a good part of it. Wake up Australia.