Joyce takes stock

Fishing in the yak near the seaway. Not that you can see it thanks to the swell.


FOR new Member for New England Barnaby Joyce Tuesday was a chance for a well-earned break with his family and catch up on some chores around the home before heading off to Canberra.
The Independent caught up with the Member for New England during a morning walk and although he was looking forward to chance to clear his head, he was eager to get started establishing new offices in Tamworth and Tenterfield.
“There are plenty of jobs around the house that have been left that I need to attend to,” Mr Joyce said.
“After the election I have been looking after friends and supporters and closing down the old office, so today is about refocusing for the job ahead.”
There has been a great deal of speculation as to whether Mr Joyce will be appointed a ministerial post and a senior position in the new government, however Mr Joyce will take whatever is or isn’t offered to him.
“If I get one, I get one, if I don’t I don’t,” he said.
“I have always said this. If I don’t get a ministerial ship I can spend a lot more time at home. I have done ministerial jobs, I have been a leader of my party in the Senate.
“It is a great honour but also a lot of work if you do it properly. So it is a case of being busy or very, very busy.”
Mr Joyce said he was eager to tackle issues facing the New England and, in particular, is looking to work on driving forward the redevelopment of the Armidale Airport, Chaffey Dam in Tamworth and inland rail for the north west of the electorate.
On a broader national issues he said it was vitally important to address the national debt, keep it under control and abolish the Carbon Tax.
“The biggest threat to the University of New England is this country’s debt,” Mr Joyce said.
“If the debt is out of control you have no money for spending, you always need to make sure you get the debt under control.”
Mr Joyce is enthusiastic about getting the job done and said he will be spending as much time as possible in his electorate.
“This is where my family is and this is where I want to be.”

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