Fracking exposed in Promised Land

Caption: Matt Damon stars in Promised Land a film about buying up of mineral rights from farmers to drill for gas, using hydraulic fracturing (fracking).

EVERY so often there is a celebrity-backed Hollywood movie that throws a spotlight on a major issue.
Such a film is Promised Land starring Matt Damon, where the story is about the buying up of mineral rights from farmers to drill for gas, using hydraulic fracturing (fracking).
Whilst the film centres on a rural town in the US, the conflict between corporate power and its impact on farming, the environment and on local communities is a major issue here in Australia, and in our region.
The opening night of Promised Land at the Belgrave Cinema will be a fund-raiser for local group Armidale Action on Coal Seam Gas and Mining (AACSGaM), a sub-group of Sustainable Living Armidale (SLA).
“Many of us are deeply concerned at the way that short-term profit seems to win out over significant environmental and social factors,” Jan Brahe from AACSGaM said.
“Threats to our groundwater, from coal seam gas drilling and extraction, particularly damage to the Great Artesian Basin, have not been adequately researched.”
Promised Land follows two corporate salespeople who visit a US rural community in an attempt to buy drilling rights from the local residents.
There are twists and turns in the plot as the townsfolk work out whether to accept the mining, or refuse the ‘social licence to operate’ to the mining interests.
By supporting this special screening of Promised Land patrons will help AACSGaM in its work of alerting the community to local threats, including arranging tours for people to see for themselves current damage in the Pilliga and the Leard State Forest.
The screening is on Thursday 12 September at 7pm at the Belgrave Cinema. Tickets $16 are available from Jan Brahe 0423 481 805.

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