Brave men faced fire


Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) firefighters will commemorate the 80th anniversary of the inaugural presentation of the Conspicuous Bravery Medal at a special service and function this Friday 20 September at the Armidale Town Hall.
On 20 September 1933, eight firefighters from Armidale Fire Station were recognised for their bravery after a fire at the H. Braund and Company Ltd in Armidale on 18 May 1932 which claimed the lives of firefighters W. Robinson and B.F. Jones after an explosion of detonators.
On 20 September, an afternoon of commemorative activities is planned including a commemoration service at the Armidale Fire Station followed by a special function at the Armidale Town Hall – where the original presentation took place.
From 10am to 2pm a display of memorabilia from the Armidale Brigade and the Braunds fire will be on display in and outside of the town hall.
Armidale Station Officer Wayne Zikan says the highlight of the display would be the original fire engine that was at the 1932 fire.
“This will be the first time the fire engine has been back in Armidale since the fire,” he said.
“There will also be a number of other fire engines from across the region and inside the town hall there will be a display of the original medals and certificates awarded to the firemen, old fire-fighting equipment, numerous historic pictures and stories about the Braunds fire.”
The fire at the H. Braund and Company Ltd was a serious fire in its day with the bravery of the firefighters stopping the blaze from destroying the town centre of Armidale. So impressed with the skill of the fire-fighters, the fire brigade recognised this and needed to honour them. The Conspicuous Bravery Medal was created as a result of the fire.
“The fire brigade at the time didn’t have any medal to give to the men for their bravery so they created this medal,” Wayne Zikan said.
“The local press at the time dubbed it the ‘Fireman’s VC’ remembering that this fire was not long after World War I.
“This is a very big event for Armidale and extremely significant for the families of the firemen.”
Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) is encouraging members of the community to head to the Armidale Town Hall between 10am to 2pm this Friday 20 September to see first-hand memorabilia and the history of one of Armidale’s most significant events.

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