Fresh first aid funds

THE Armidale Division of St John Ambulance Australia (NSW) recently received a ClubGrant from the Armidale Ex-Services Memorial Club to the value of $4000.
The money will be used to purchase much-needed communication equipment such as UHF handheld and vehicle radios and ear pieces.
A cheque presentation took place on Monday 26 August at the Armidale Ex-Services Club and was attended by Armidale Ex-Services Memorial Club CEO Scott Sullivan, Armidale Division Superintendent Peter Cameron, and Armidale Division Divisional Officer Kara King.
Mr Cameron said that the equipment will enhance the service St John first aiders provide at many local events.
“We are so grateful to the Armidale Ex-Services Club for their support in receiving this grant. The radio equipment will be used at a number of local events such as Tour de Rocks, A Day on the Green, local sporting events and horse sports events and will assist us in communicating quickly and effectively in the event of an emergency,” Mr Cameron said.
“The Armidale Division needs the support from local organisations and businesses to continue to provide first aid and health services in the community.”
For more information or to find out about volunteering with the Armidale Division, call (02) 6772 4319 or email

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