Memorial fours won by Coolangatta

109908_01 From left to right, Bill Beach, Peter Flynn,Peter Duncan and Chris Hitchell at Burringbar.


BURRINGBAR Bowls Club conducted the annual Mick Dignan Memorial Fours Tournament last Saturday. The weather was perfect, the green run true and 56 bowlers representing visiting clubs Bangalow, Brunswick Heads, Cabarita, Coolangatta, Condong, Cudgen, Lennox Heads and Pottsville all enjoyed a great day’s bowling.
The day began with the traditional “charity spider” won by local Steve Wade, after three games of 13 ends the following winners were declared: First round – B. Creedon, M. Morgan, B. Shepherd and J. Turner. Second round – F. McConnel, G. Woodhouse, M. Ryne and V. Schiemer. Third round – M. Fleger, J. Oconnor and K. Roberts; runners-up from Lennox Heads R. Hurst, K. McGuire, C. Skinner, N. Wilson – the Coolangatta combination of P. Flynn, C. Mitchell, B. Beach and P. Duncan won the event with three wins + 43.
President Lex Philip congratulated the winners, thanking all bowlers for their support then introduced Mick’s sons Peter and Robert Didnan who presented prize-money to the winning teams.

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