Curtains for school career

110559_01 Samantha Kenney and Kadison Saxby of St Joseph's College cut quite a figure at their formal at Twin Towns.Photo Crystal Spencer.


THERE was plenty of water everywhere last week as the Tweed’s Year 12 students farewelled their school careers.
There were tears of joy and of laughter and lots of rain as storms erupted just as the youngsters, dressed in their finery arrived at the venues for their formals.
While the students at Banora High, who held their formal on Wednesday at Bond University, weren’t really plagued by storm, the next night the heavens opened just as the final St Josephs students arrived at Twin Towns for their big night and just as the Kingscliff students started to pour into their cars, trucks and beach buggies to arrive at Peppers on the Tweed Coast.
This week the Tweed Coast Weekly brings you pictures of the Banora Point High School and St Josephs College students while next week it is the turn of Kingscliff High and Lindisfarne.
Pictures: Crystal Spencer

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