Local firefighters visit TG’s Uralla

Firefighters are often seen as heroes to young children. At TG’s, the children love to dress up as firemen and fight fires all over the classroom and playground. After observing this play for a few weeks, the staff thought it would be a great idea to invite the local firemen to TG’s to speak to the children.
When the firemen came, the children all sat in awe as one of the men dressed in the protective gear, including the oxygen tank and mask. The children were able to try on a helmet and were even able to climb through the truck and use the hose. For over an hour the firemen stayed and answered questions.
During their visit, the firemen gave the kids safety drills.
“We had to practise Stop, Drop Cover and Roll, get down low and go go go and call 000 in the case of a fire or other emergency,” said Audrey McDonnell Director of TG’s Uralla.
“We practised these over several weeks, checked our smoke alarms and prepared to be tested when they returned.
“We had several children’s parents tell us they had been given lectures from their children at home after toast or dinner had been burnt, causing smoke.”
Several weeks later, the firemen returned and TG’s passed their tests with flying colours. The children were able to demonstrate the techniques in emergency evacuation and they were all given certificates to celebrate their new knowledge.
TG’s would like to say thank you to some of our local heroes for taking the time to visit them. The children of TG’s will remember this for a life-time!

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