Grandparents Day at college

Lyn and Michael Elliot with their granddaughters Olivia and Elise Matherson pictured with their friend Emi Kuwajima.

Sunny skies greeted over 200 grandparents and grand friends at PLC Armidale’s annual Grandparents Day held last Friday.
Head of School Debra Kelliher said the day is special for both students and grandparents who are playing more significant roles in the lives of their grand children.
“It is a way for us to reach out into the community and to show them how thankful we are for all they do,” said Debra Kelliher.
“Grandparents are becoming a huge group of unpaid carers for our working parents and I honestly don’t know what some parents would do without them.
The day is an opportunity for grandparents to interact with their granddaughters with a tour of the school and join with classes interacting in the student’s day.
“It is a great way for them to see the sort of work we do and the technology that we incorporate in the classroom.”

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