Windsor joins social media

The Independent Member for New England, Tony Windsor, is setting foot into the social media worlds of both Facebook and Twitter.

People from the New England and across the country have been asking Mr Windsor to join Facebook and Twitter for years, but it was a young supporter at Mr Windsor’s recent public meeting in Tamworth that finally persuaded him.

Despite his initial reluctance to “get with it”, Mr Windsor is looking forward to interacting with supporters in a new direct way.

“I’ve always been more focused on getting things done, rather than telling people about it,” Mr Windsor said.

“But enough people have said that they want to be able to interact with me on social media that I’ve decided to take the plunge.

“I’m looking forward to engaging with people and hearing their views about the policies that affect them and shape our country.

“As an Independent MP, feedback has always been very important to me so, by joining twitter and Facebook, there will be a direct line of communication available to people to give me their thoughts and for me to provide people with unfiltered communications,” Mr Windsor said.

Mr Windsor joined social media in the same week that the Prime Minister announced she would call a federal election for September 14, but that doesn’t mean he’s beginning to campaign.

“I’m glad the Prime Minister has announced the date of the election so far in advance, as I believe it gives people and businesses certainty,” Mr Windsor said.

“But that doesn’t mean I’m going to start campaigning for the next Parliament.

“My focus is on what can be achieved during the remainder of this Parliament.

“Hopefully the election spec-ulation will die down now that a date has been announced, and attention can turn to the important work of this parliament, such as education reform, rolling out the National Broadband Network and protecting the water resources of our prime farmland from mining and coal seam gas,” Mr Windsor concluded.

Mr Windsor’s Twitter account is @TonyWindsorMP

You can reach Mr Windsor’s Official Facebook Page at

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