New Bike Awareness symbols implemented

Armidale Dumaresq Council (ADC) has updated its 2004 Armidale Bike Plan to the new Every Street a Cycling Street – 2012 Armidale Bicycle Strategy and Action Plan and has recently commenced implementation of PS-2 Bike Awareness symbols on local roads.

Since the adoption of the new Bike Strategy and Action Plan, there has been 4300m of constructed cycleways in the Armidale Dumaresq Local Government area. The most recently updated Strategy and Action Plan 2012 seeks to improve the bicycle network within this local government area.

The purpose of the update was guided by the following: An analysis of Armidale’s, (and the smaller towns and villages of the Armidale Dumaresq Local Govt. area) street layout, topography and the 2004 Bike Plan, to identify potential cycleway networks and associated facilities consistent with the NSW Bicycle Guidelines.

Action Plan encourages: ‘Every Street a Cycling Street’. Streets with low traffic volumes and slow speeds can operate with mixed traffic environments, without the need for formal cycling facilities.

This strategy is attempting to recognise cyclists in all future traffic management works and not just along formal cycleways.

Tom Fisher, Convenor of the Transport Action Group of Sustainable Living Armidale (SLA), welcomes the commencement of ‘Bike Awareness Symbols’ placement and realisation of the Strategy and Action Plan’s objectives.

“I’m happy to see Council raise awareness of people riding bicycles on roads. This is in line with the good work we have all done together so that ‘every street is a cycling street’ is recognised in our community.”

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