Noble tale of hope

THIS month’s screening of Progressive Cinema will feature Ken Loach’s film The Spirit of ’45 at the Armidale Club next Wednesday.
According to Dave Calhoun, film editor at Time Out, “Loach movingly argues that we should look to the past for a better future”.
He said 1945 was a pivotal year in British history. The unity that carried Britain through the war allied to the bitter memories of the inter-war years led to a vision of a better society. The spirit of the age was to be our brother’s and our sister’s keeper.
Loach has used film from Britain’s regional and national archives, alongside sound recordings and contemporary interviews, to create a rich political and social narrative.
The Spirit of ’45 hopes to illuminate and celebrate a period of unprecedented community spirit in the UK, the impact of which endured for many years and which may yet be rediscovered today.
“World War II was a struggle, perhaps the most considerable collective struggle this country (Britain) has ever experienced,” Loach said.
“While others made greater sacrifices, the people of Russia for example, the determination to build a better world was as strong here as anywhere.
“Never again, it was believed, would we allow poverty, unemployment and the rise of fascism to disfigure our lives,” he said.
“We had won the war together; together we could win the peace. If we could plan to wage military campaigns, could we not plan to build houses, create a health service, transport system and to make goods that we needed for reconstruction?
“The central idea was common ownership, where production and services were to benefit all. The few should not get rich to the detriment of everyone else. It was a noble idea, popular and acclaimed by the majority. It was the Spirit of 1945. Maybe it is time to remember it today.”
All are welcome to enjoy the free screening at the Armidale Club. The film starts at 7.30pm, while Turntables Restaurant opens for dinner at 6pm. For more information call Bea Bleile on 0458 752 680.

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