Teams sign up

New England Bowls

THE following teams have entered the City for All Seasons pairs on 15-17 November. C. Brodbeck/D. Samuelson, P. Doyle/Richie Clutterbuck, G. Bourke/G. Latham, B. Cullen/J. Myers, Ray Pearce/partner, R. Chetwynd/T. McMillan, S. Clarke/R. Gordon, B. Ezzy/B. Wymms, J. Thomas/D. Morgan, J. Wright/partner, J. Whitton/B. Dexter, Reg Clutterbuck/P. Meehan, K. Greentree/M. King, L. Williams/G. Smith, G. Graham/J. Graham, N. Golledge/R. Skuthorpe, D. Smith/R. Strahle, G. Reeves/D. Wilcox, G. Harrison/C. Marshall, G. Light/G. Russell, D. Williams/T. Lee, P. Bullen/partner, N. Wise/S. Thorning, P. McCann/D. McCann, S. Fuller/T. Fuller, D. Curtis/R. Berghofer, D. Hungerford/K. Skaines, L. McIntyre/partner, W. Lambourne/ G. McGilvray, B. Sheppard/L. Flett, P. Ross/A. Ross. Vacancies exist for five more teams and interested players should contact Richie Clutterbuck urgently on 0401 415 025. Players will be playing for $9300 prize money and a blind draw will be held at held at the club at 8.45am on Friday 15 November. The field this year is very strong with several state and former state players entering.

Care for kids
IT’S nearly that time of the year again when the City club holds its annual Caring for Kids day (formerly Kids With Cancer). The date is Sunday 10 November and names may be placed on the club noticeboard. Non bowlers are most welcome and the club will provide bowls but make sure you wear flat sole shoes. The cost for the day is $10 a player and $20 for families. The day would not be a success without the wonderful support from local business houses and the community. This week I would like to acknowledge many of our supporters. Alpha’s, Garry Wright, Greg Hannon, The Meeting Place, Bakers Delight, Armidale Outdoors, Amcal Chemist, Robyn’s Kitchen, Studio 2350, Auto Cheap, Cedar Nursery, Brad Kembrey, Avon, House Works and Fantastic Gifts. Thank you very much and next week I will have more supporters to acknowledge. All money raised on the day stays in our community to offer assistance to those in need.

Greats gather
TONIGHT (Wednesday) is the chance to mix with four of the greats of international lawn bowls. Steve Glasson, Kelvin Kerkow, Karen Murphy and Kay Moran will be at the club to meet and play with those who have entered the night. Steve, Kelvin and Karen are household names to the bowling fraternity in Australia, while Karen is a Scottish International now residing in Australia. These players are visiting clubs in our area and I am sure that if you wish to ask them questions they will be happy to answer you and perhaps help you iron out any problems you have on the greens.

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