Local police recognised for bravery

Fifty Police men and women from the New England Local Area Command were recognised for acts of bravery at the annual awards presentation ceremony in Inverell last week.
“Our police often have to put their lives on the line and face many risks in the line of duty,” said Member for Northern Tablelands Mr Torbay said.
“These awards recognise that tremendous contribution to keep our communities safe and the sacrifice that often entails.”
NELAC officers were awarded the National Medal, New South Wales Police Medal and Clasps to the New South Wales Police Medal, New South Wales Police Medallion, Commendations and Citations for duty, Certificates of Merit, Plaques and Certificates for continuous service and Warrants of Appointment to Sergeant.
Commander Bruce Lyons said the awards presentation ceremony recognised the service police  have given, risking their lives to help those in need every day, where they often see the best and worst in the community.

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