Duval Lions help one special little cyclist

Helen Ho and 11yo daughter, Kerry Ho, who has just received a customised bicycle thanks to Armidale Duval Lions Club, with Club Secretary, Kim Quinn, member Julie Roberts and President Deb Warren delighted at the joy they have given.

Armidale Duval Lions Club have helped 11-year-old Armidale schoolgirl, Kerry Ho, fulfil her dreams in obtaining a customised pushbike. The bike, obtained through TAD (Technical Aids for the Disabled) was provided at a cost of $661.
The bike has extra wide and supportive training wheels for Kerry, who has special needs, plus a seat belt for extra safety and stability in the saddle. There are other features, plus it is adjustable, so it will grow with Kerry.
Kerry’s mother, Helen, said it was a thrill to receive the Lions donation that made it possible to purchase the bike. “It means that Kerry can do something that simply wasn’t possible for her before.
“Kerry has a number of conditions, including down syndrome. When she was younger, she had a very rare down syndrome associated condition called atlantoaxial dislocations. She has had some problems with her spine and movement in general. Kerry has come a long way in the last few years.”
Seeing Kerry pedalling away is cause for mixed emotions in mum. “It makes me proud but I have trepidations, watching her pick up a bit of speed. Like any child, she is loving the freedom, mobility and speed she can achieve on her new bike. It is really important for her physical development, building strength and balance. It also serves as a social development tool.”
President of the Armidale Duval Lions Club, Deb Warren, said it has been rewarding and exciting to be able to help this very special little girl, with a small gift making a big difference in her life.
The Armidale Duval Lions Club primarily raises funds by manning the gate on race days at the Armidale Jockey Club. It is a very small club. Its members got great satisfaction from seeing and hearing Kerry’s joy as she rode her new bicycle.

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