Take young people seriously: candidate

Liberal Candidate for council James Ellis.

Endorsed Liberal candidate for Armidale Dumaresq, James Ellis, has called for the council to take young people seriously in its approaches to youth representation and advocacy through its Youth Council.
After consulting with a number of residents, Mr Ellis has found that the main concern they have shared with him has been the lack of things for young people to do.
“It has concerned me that the majority of people I have spoken to aren’t even aware that we have a Youth Council. It is clear to me that the current model probably isn’t effective,” Mr Ellis said.
Mr Ellis, who has had experience in youth representative bodies in two large Sydney councils, said that he could appreciate the structures council has in place, but noted they had considerable weaknesses that could be improved.
“It should be all about making our young people feel empowered and involving them in the decisions that affect them,” said Mr Ellis.
“For example, the current youth council states it works with young people aged 12-24, however the majority of its membership are high school age — this alienates the entire tertiary (TAFE and UNE) community as well as unemployed young people.”
Mr Ellis has proposed a new structure which would include reforming the Youth Council into what he has called a Youth Advisory Committee and broadening the membership to 20 members.
“The purpose of the reform is to essentially take our young people seriously.
“As a committee it is directly accountable to Council and is able to recommend to it.
“The Youth Advisory Committee, or YAC, would give our young people a more efficient way of participating in the process by involving the YAC in more than just planning youth week and school holiday activities.
“Making everyone feel involved is important to me,” Mr Ellis said.
“My main motive for having this reform as my priority, if elected, is to create methods for our young people to say what they like about Armidale, what they want, and be involved in how it is done.”

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