Your Garden
SOME lovely flowering trees out this week, I have noticed lots of Robinias looking really beautiful, am pleased that my Lacy Lady is blooming for the first time.
Also the Ioensis are just about out; they will be spectacular in a few days time. The Paulownias will be fully out this week with their pretty mauve bells.
The warm weather has brought the roses out nice and early, with the first blooms well budded up in the hybrid teas and Austins, however the rugosas are just beautiful at the moment and their perfume is lovely too.
The Chinas, some species roses and the hybrid spinisissimas are well in bloom with their lovely single blooms, some perfumed some not. With so many more still to bloom, we can be thrilled for months with beautiful, colourful and perfumed blooms. Roses give so much, don’t forget to reward them with feed and water – they will definitely repay you.
Deciduous Viburnums have been perfuming gardens for weeks and still keep tantalising the senses, both with sight and smell. Probably the winner in the perfume stakes at present has to be Michelia figo with its heady perfume pervading the garden.
The wind, on top of the unseasonably warm temperatures, has been cruel with lots of blooms and very young foliage being burnt, not much to be done except mulch and water well and more moisturiser for our skin.
So enjoyable just to wander around the garden and see the new treasures each day.