Coal and coal seam gas mining forum

Susannah Smith and Elisabeth Breckenridge.

ARMIDALE Action on Coal Seam Gas and Mining has invited Sharon Munro, author of the book Rich Land, Waste Land, to speak at a coal and coal seam gas mining forum at the Armidale Town Hall on Tuesday 15 October from 7pm.
“Sharon has travelled throughout Australia talking with people living in the shadow of coal and CSG mines,” said Ken Brown, from Armidale Action on Coal Seam Gas and Mining.
“She will talk about the true cost of coal mining and coal seam gas mining on our communities.
“Sharon has discovered that home owners and farmers are being forced out by mining, aquifers are drying out and rivers are being polluted.”
The second speaker, environmental campaigner Jonathon Moylan, will speak on mining in Leard Forest and the effects of mining in his home district, Newcastle and the Hunter Valley.
“Due to a court case in November Jono will be unable to answer all questions regarding these legal matters,” Ken said.
Phil Laird a land owner in the Maules Creek area will also speak at the forum. He is spokesperson for the Maules Creek Community Council and national co-ordinator of the Lock the Gate Alliance.
After three years of campaigning in the region, Phil shares his experiences and ideas about how ordinary people can manage the impacts of big coal and gas.
The speeches will be followed by questions to the panel and tea and coffee after the event.
Discounted, signed copies of Sharon’s book will be available on the night.

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