Man of the land

Year 6 students work happily as a team in the design and planting of their garden.

GUYRA mayor Hans Hietbrink has been appointed the inaugural chairman of Northern Tablelands Local Land Services (LLS).
Northern Tablelands MP Adam Marshall today welcomed the appointment.
“Mr Hietbrink is an excellent choice to chair the Northern Tablelands LLS and will serve the region and local landholders well,” Mr Marshall said.
“He brings extensive experience in governance as mayor of Guyra Shire Council, planning and leadership to this role.
“Mr Hietbrink understands the issues facing rural communities and is well placed to represent Northern Tablelands landholders through the state-wide LLS board of chairs.
Mr Hietbrink has held various leadership positions across local government, natural resources and business including Border Rivers-Gwydir Catchment Management Authority, Guyra Shire Council and various corporate sector leadership roles.
“I am delighted to accept this position and thrilled to lead the Northern Tablelands LLS at a very exciting time for agricultural service delivery across NSW,” Mr Hietbrink said.
“I am passionate about supporting rural communities and improving the way we deliver services to local landholders.
“LLS will give local landholders greater control of how services are delivered and how the new organisation can support their enterprise into the future.
“This role provides the opportunity to combine my skills in rural development and management with my commitment to natural resource management and the people of the Northern Tablelands.”
From January next year, Local Land Services will bring together expertise from Livestock Health and Pest Authorities (LHPA), Catchment Management Authorities (CMA) and some Department of Primary Industries (DPI) agriculture advisory services.
For more information on Local Land Services visit

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