Hillgrove gardens open this weekend

Celebrating the horticultural and the historic, the town of Hillgrove is opening six private gardens as well as a community native garden and the War Memorial rose garden this weekend, October 13 and 14, from 10am to 4pm.
These lovely, diverse gardens defy the elements of living on the edge, literally, with roses, perennials, rhododendrons and natives all thriving in challenging conditions.
Other attractions include the Museum, antique machinery, exhibitions of garden and wildlife photography, garden talks and horse and cart rides. Teas, lunches and plant and craft stalls will also be available.
Entry $20 per adult, with maps and details of all the events available at the town entrance. Directions; From Armidale, take the Waterfall Way (Grafton Rd), travel 27km and turn right at the “Historic Hillgrove” sign into Stockton St; the township is a further 5km.

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