Swimming pool safety this summer

With summer approaching, Armidale Dumaresq Council (ADC) is encourages residents to take a close look at their pool areas and fencing, as well as being vigilant in looking after toddlers.
In NSW, private or ‘backyard’ swimming pool safety is legislated. Acts have been introduced to improve pool safety for children. However, laws requiring pool barriers and warning notices are just one part of pool safety. Also crucial are maintaining the pool barrier, keeping entry points secure, appropriate adult supervision, teaching young children to swim, and resuscitation (CPR) training.
Swimming pool owners and those renting a property with a pool have various responsibilities to uphold in order to comply with the laws. Information produced by the NSW State Government is available at ADC or online at www.dlg.nsw.gov.au. A brochure “Swimming Pool Laws” contains information, useful tips and contacts. Council has very useful Home Swimming Pool Safety checklists which can be collected from the Council Administration Building in Rusden Street or at the Central Library.
Council has a responsibility to administer the Swimming Pools Act and Regulation in its area. ADC must ensure it is notified of all swimming pools in its local area which are covered by the Act. Council is also responsible for promoting awareness of the requirements of the legislation in relation to swimming pools and will be sending out a flyer to all registered pool owners. If you have a pool and are not sure it is registered, please call Council to check. Registration is free.
“Play it safe this year,” says Council’s Manager of Development Control, Karl Bock. Also be aware that the NSW State Government is proposing new statewide swimming pool laws and there will be some changes to the current swimming pool laws. Council will keep registered pool owners informed of when the new laws come into action and what pool owners will need to do. Pool owners should also visit www.dlg.nsw.gov.au from time to time to check if changes have come into action.

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