Armidale CWA President Emmie Forge welcomes new branch members. From left: Robin Butler, Jacqui Marchant and Jane Stening.Three new members were welcomed at the June meeting of Armidale CWA. Robin Butler, Jacqui Marchant and Jane Stening were welcomed by 17 other members present for the monthly meeting. During the meeting and in preparation for the branch’s celebration of this year’s country of study, Timor Leste, International Officer Elizabeth Forsyth screened an excellent film produced by the East Timor Women’s Assistance Group, that focused on the makings and meanings of their tais weaving and its importance in the turbulent history of the country.
Ruth Blanch who, together with Margaret Wooster, had been Armidale CWA’s delegates at the State Conference held in May, gave a comprehensive report of the proceedings.