Coast run a huge fun-raiser

Sue Forsyth is in the Pink at the Girls Night In at Cudgen Leagues Club.

EARLE Page College students have raised a remarkable $380,000 for children’s medical research over the last 34 years growing from the first coast run from Armidale to Coffs Harbour to a year-long series of events.
On Friday, the runners and their support team stopped off at Curtis Park for a barbecue breakfast provided by New England Mutual on their way to Dorrigo for the first stop off and finishing at Coffs Harbour on Saturday afternoon.
“You have to take your hat off to the students and their supporters for keeping this great tradition going,” NEM Marketing Executive Manager Darren Schaefer said.
He joined staff members to have breakfast ready for the first runners at 7.45am.
“It’s a tough run for a good cause and some of the students were doing it for the third time. We were delighted to send them on their way with a good breakfast.”
One familiar face was missing, however, with Brent Gregory, a former Page student who organised the first run and has participated in the last 33 runs, overseas this year.
Convener Teegan Hughes said the fund-raising efforts had started at the beginning of the year and included selling a discount card, a fashion parade, an auction and other events.
“The current students love getting involved in all of the events but particularly the run. If it weren’t for them, a lot of the funds we raise wouldn’t happen,” she said.

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